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Aug '21

The future of data storage - where it is all going?

As we see tech evolve, one thing that has become apparent is our need for storage. As we produce and consume more data, it is a natural step that data storage will have to change to match our habits. Although we’ve seen great strides in the area, it’s clear that there are a lot of exciting developments in the future of data storage. 

Based on trends and newer technology emerging, there are many interesting methods for storing data in the future and a lot to look out for. While some might seem like new additions, there are a few data storage solutions being developed that might seem a little more out of the ordinary. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most viable technologies and devices that point towards the future of data storage and where it’s all going.

What is Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR)?

Shingled Magnetic Recording is a new type of hard drive recording technology with a lot of potential for data storage in the future. 

According to Seagate, the technology works like shingles on a roof. Tracks are overlapped on top of one another in order to provide better density. Then, as new data is written, the drive tracks are shingled, thereby allowing more space. That’s what allows these drives to carry more storage space, and there is a lot of potential for growth.

SMR is a reliable form of data storage and can handle large volumes, making it a great option. Moreover, it’s likely the most cost-friendly solution out of any of the other data storage options of the future. It can be paid using existing parts, meaning that no new materials need to be manufactured to create an SMR drive. 

Is DNA the future of data storage?

The strongest contender for the future of data storage is likely within DNA technology, surprisingly enough. Researchers have been able to encode DNA with digital information, including different types of files and sizes, with amazing success. 

DNA is being touted as the future of data storage because data can be stored on it long-term. The longevity of hard drives has always been an issue, with many of them starting to degrade quickly. With DNA though, that’s a problem of the past. The data can be preserved long-term, offering real optimism for the future of data storage and our access to our data.

Another reason why DNA has become a contender for the future of data storage is because pf how much it can store. DNA data storage density is actually quite high at 2.2 petabytes per gram without taking up too much space. This means that if executed correctly, DNA drives could

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